There were three women who had cloaks of gold. Each one had a broach with a stone upon it in many colors bright and bold. The first lady was called Truth - strong and true. She spoke words of wisdom and stood for what was good. The second lady tall and statuesque, her name was Lovely for so she was. Golden locks of hair spiraled down her formly back, she had a beautiful face held by a long, elegant neck. She thrived on compliments and lived for what was bright and seen. The third lady was call Pursuit and had a decidedly ambitious glow. She hoped for big things and made it her goal to attain wealth and all there was to know. She disdained those who did not share her ambition thinking herself far superior to others.
Yes, three women all in golden cloaks, each one different from the other by what she chose. Which will you choose? Who will you be? What will be your name? Truth, Lovely, or Pursuit...all will lead to pain.
Yes, three women all in golden cloaks, each one different from the other by what she chose. Which will you choose? Who will you be? What will be your name? Truth, Lovely, or Pursuit...all will lead to pain.