Amelia Otherwhere and Other Such Nonsense

But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the Law.
Galatians 5:18

26 August 2011



…this is the day for you to wake up to God’s love for you…

…rooted and ground in love…

eph. 3:17-19

24 August 2011

It is Time

I thought I had something to say. I thought it would be beautiful and bold. I thought the words would flow again as in the days of old.

I thought it was time.
I think too much.

I felt a burning in my lungs. I felt a burning deeper still. I felt it burning in my soul with every step upon that hill.

I felt it was time.
I feel it much, much more.

I saw the past before my eyes. I saw the future pass me by. I saw but didn't dare to dream something else was there.

I saw it was time.
I see clearly.

I think I want to share. I think that some might care. I think, but do I dare?

I think too much.
I thought it was time.

I feel my pain. I feel its drain. I feel intensely, acutely, miraculously sane.

I feel it much, much more.
I felt it was time.

I see my self. I see with eyes of stealth. I see what looks a lot like health.

I see clearly.
I saw it was time.

It is time.

16 August 2011

The Giver

If you lack wisdom, ask Me because I give generously and won't make you feel dumb for having asked. And I will give it to you. If when you were my enemy I made things right between us, even more I will save you by My life. I am your Father who has compassion on you because you fear Me. I know your frame - that you are just dust. Unlike you, My word endures forever. It is not dust. And this word I preached to you is that the world is passing away and also it's lusts, but the one who does My will, will live forever. I have told you this so that you will have My joy in you and that that joy would be made full. My secret is for those like you who fear Me, and I will make you know My covenant. For I am the high and exalted One who lives forever and whose name is Holy. I dwell on a high and holy place, and also with the contrite and lowly of spirit in order to revive the spirit of the lowly and to revive the heart of the contrite. I have always loved you. I will always love you!

(Jam1:15, Rom5:10, Psa103:13-14, 1Pet1:25, 1Jn2:17, Jn15:11, Psa25:14, Isa57:15, Jer31:3)