Driving home from work the other night, I felt the moon watching me. I looked at him trying to figure out what was on his mind. And then I think he winked at me because I caught his eye just as it squinted closed. It was barely a yellow slit in the sky, but there was recognition in it. He knew I was looking. Did he know that that night I needed a witness to my existence? One who cared I was on my way home? It was a peculiar moment. The kind that leaves goose bumps on your flesh and makes you feel like there must be more out there than you really think. I smiled and thanked God for the moment but half wished it could last longer. Just me, the moon and my moose* taking in the magnificent view before us.
But of course a moment is only a moment and cannot last longer than a moment. It passed. And of course it wasn't really the moon winking or blinking at me. The thought of this was sobering and my exhilaration quickly melted into despondency as I wished that the moon had indeed been watching me. And then I realized that even better than the moon, it was God Himself from His very heaven with His eyes upon me, watching my existence, thoughtful and caring, letting me know that I am not alone in this world. I do have an audience, an audience of One who sees me as I truly am - a princess with crown on head and royalty running through my veins. I am the daughter of a King - THE KING - and it is for His pleasure alone that I am able to roam, even if at times alone. That aloneness affords me precious and priceless opportunities to realize and experience His loving participation in my life. It blesses me with the freedom to go with haste wherever He chooses. It reminds me that if I could only have one, it is best that I have only Him as my one because He always has been and always will be the only One who is always present for me. What a blissful revelation.
So it was the moon winking at me. God knew it would stop me in my tracks, much like the burning bush caught Moses' attention so long ago. He knew that He had my interest and could speak what He would. He knew that I would listen and hear it true and clear. He knew I would accept it as a gift from His heart to mine. Just me, the moon, the moose* and God. What a glorious moment.
*my Oldsmobile
Hey there... so as I was leaving work yesterday (Saturday) night... i caught a glimpse of the moon, and it looked like a smile.. and it made me think of God smiling at me.... cause of what you said...
I'm going to be watching the moon tonight -- actually I saw him this afternoon while I was in Petoskey paying a bill. The sky is briliant blue but themoon was in the far eastern skyjust coming up -- it was toolight tosee the expression on his face, so I'll look again on my way home. Love ya Aimee.