Amelia Otherwhere and Other Such Nonsense

But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the Law.
Galatians 5:18

18 June 2009

Pandora's Box

Have you noticed that when you give God permission to know you and sift through your heart, it's kind of like opening Pandora's box? Many wonderful things can come out. Unknown beauties that have been lying dormant just waiting to be brought up. But equally as awful things also come. The impurities that have started out as little specks so little and insignificant have grown and festered in the dark shadows and hidden places. Sometimes I want to close the box and take back the permission I gave Him. "Never mind, I was mistaken. I don't want to be known. I don't want the darkness to be found!" Maybe if I ignore it and don't see it, nobody will know it's there. Such folly in that thought. Any darkness brought to light can only be light. God's joy is to create in me a pure heart - to open the box wide open so that light may fill it's every space. And then I will will be like a mirror magnifying His face!


  1. Just wanted to let you know that I'm re-reading your latest blog.

  2. Lately when I ask the Lord to work on my heart, I quickly follow up with "and please be merciful" because I'm a little afraid of the major reconstruction that needs to take place. When I think of light coming into dark places, it makes the whole idea a little more bearable- much more pleasant than power tools.

  3. Power must be renovating your home. I'm sure God will be more gentle.
