Galatians 5:18
26 December 2009
I watched as stacks of presents were unwrapped by small,
excited fingers. Squeals of delight broke the silence filling the room with excitement and glee. So much work had gone into making the day special. So many hours of decorating, shopping and wrapping, of cleaning and cooking. So much to make one day memorable and lovely. And as I sat watching it was all worth it. It was the best Christmas we've had in a long time. Not because of the presents. Not because of the food. Not because of a clean, decorated house. All those things were nice. But rather it was because we were all together, blessed by the gift of God, blessed by love for each other, blessed by letting go of control and expectations and just allowing the day to happen. It was a wonderful Christmas.
06 December 2009
Little Girl
Little girl, little girl,
Sinking beneath the waves.
Who has pushed you down there?
Did you not learn to behave?
Sinking faster, sinking faster,
Little girl gone astray.
Has your heart been broken?
Did you not get your way?
Counting breaths, counting breaths
Water begins to invade.
When will it happen?
When will you begin to fade?
Rock bottom, rock bottom,
Rough sand hits her face.
Will you stop now?
Will you plead your sorry case?
Swallowed whole, swallowed whole,
In the belly of a whale.
All by herself now,
With no one to tell her tale.
Little girl, little girl,
Alone in a big fish.
She met her loving Maker
Who gave her her one greatest wish.
Revived now, revived now
To do the Lords will.
Will she do it?
Will she do it?
Oh, little girl!
16 November 2009
Something to Celebrate
14 October 2009
I Love Rainy Mornings
09 October 2009
04 October 2009
07 July 2009
All Noble Things Are Difficult
"Enter ye in at the strait gate...because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way..." Matthew 7:13-14
If we are going to live as disciples of Jesus, we have to remember that all noble things are difficult. The Christian life is gloriously difficult, but the difficulty of it does not make us faint and cave in, it rouses us up to overcome. Do we so appreciate the marvellous salvation of Jesus Christ that we are our utmost for His highest?
God saves men by His sovereign grace through the Atonement of Jesus; He works in us to will and to do of His good pleasure; but we have to work out that salvation in practical living. If once we start on the basis of His Redemption to do what He commands, we find that we can do it. If we fail, it is because we have not practised. The crisis will reveal whether we have been practising or not. If we obey the Spirit of God and practise in our physical life what God has put in us by His Spirit, then when the crisis comes, we shall find that our own nature as well as the grace of God will stand by us.
Thank God He does give us difficult things to do! His salvation is a glad thing, but it is also a heroic, holy thing. It tests us for all we are worth. Jesus is bringing many "sons" unto glory, and God will not shield us from the requirements of a son. God's grace turns out men and women with a strong family likeness to Jesus Christ, not milksops. It takes a tremendous amount of discipline to live the noble life of a disciple of Jesus in actual things. It is always necessary to make an effort to be noble.
Oswald Chambers My Utmost for His Highest, July 7
18 June 2009
Pandora's Box
29 April 2009
It has been several years since I began this relationship with my Ficas. It has grown so much and the leaves are green and healthy. And every now and again I have to cut the grass that grows around it since it grows so high and looks untidy. Cutting my grass was the task on my list today. It had been way too long and the long green weeds were out of control. I got my scissors (which make a great lawnmower!) out and began to cut back the green. As I worked I remembered my brother telling me when he visited last that I could pull out the dead brown weeds to make more room for the green to grow. What a novel idea. I had left all the dead stuff from when I first moved here – not even thinking that I could get rid of it. Thinking this was a good idea, I began pulling the brown out in large clumps. Only it wasn’t just the dead stuff that was coming. The green grass was being pulled out as well. At first I was saddened by the thought of losing my mini lawn, but then the thought hit me “It’s not grass at all – it’s weeds out of control and if I remove all the weeds, dead and alive, it will give the tree more room to grow.” That was my thought to ponder.
Immediately I thought of my life. Have I been nurturing the weeds that grow in my life? Do I cut them back when they get too unruly so they look like real grass all the while not realizing that it’s not grass at all but weeds that choke out the healthy life God wants for me? I wonder how many weeds are growing in my life. I wonder if it’s easier for others to see the weeds than for me to see them. I wonder if I have the courage to pull them out. Or even better, I wonder if I am brave enough to allow God to pull them out. He certainly can get the root whereas I often just get the top off only to have it grow back up again. Hmmm.
Maybe if the weeds are pulled out, real grass can be planted in its place. Maybe in the place of bitterness there would be a sweet disposition. In place of jealousy and envy there would be thankfulness and contentment. Joy instead of sorrow. Hope instead of despair. Security instead of fear. Praise instead of complaints. Truth instead of lies.
Oh Lord, Gardener of my soul, please pull out the weeds that have been growing unchecked in the soil of my heart. Pull them out by their roots so they will no longer have residence within me and leave in their place the seeds of righteousness and love.
06 February 2009
Why have I been thinking about this so much? I guess I feel like my plate is empty. A lot has been taken off recently. Good things and bad things, some hard to let go and others not so much so. It seems as if I sit at a table before a plate on which there is nothing left (let me stress the word “seems” here; I know full and well that my plate is not completely empty – it never is totally, but I speak of feelings within that I can best express figuratively through creative writing). Now this can be a bad thing or it can be a good thing. Bad because I could begin replacing what has been taken off with that which isn’t supposed to be there. I could fill the plate just for the sake of filling it. But it also could be a good thing. Good because God will fill that plate with the good gifts from His hand if I am patient and wait for Him. If He has taken anything off my plate, it is for the purpose of bringing Him glory, for making me more like Him, and for showing His love to a lost and broken world. It is for the purpose of emptying me of me and filling me to all fullness with Him. And that’s dessert. That’s the best held back until after the meal has been eaten.
So I’m thinking a lot about dessert lately. I look forward to what He’s going to bring me. I anticipate the beautiful China that will hold the sweet treats chosen by the Chef especially for me. I can’t wait to bite into each tasty morsel. And I may just get fat waiting since I keep dreaming of all the sweets I will get to eat which makes me very unfiguratively hungry. No matter - I am still looking forward to dessert.
03 February 2009
My Task
29 January 2009
Me, the Moon, the Moose, and God
25 January 2009
My Garden
23 January 2009
On Snowflakes
I have loved snowflakes ever since growing up in Michigan where for several months of the year they whirl and swirl, dancing to the wind, sometimes floating up before making it to the ground, their descent hindered by the currents of the air they grace. For each kind of storm, a different kind of flake. Dainty, dreamy, delicately drifting, taking its time. Fluffy and weightless. Heavy and wet, more like clumps than individual flakes. Granular and icy, dry and powdery. The "whitening shower" as James Thomson described it. There is no end to their design and detail.
I have felt a special kinship to these crystal beauties as I have watched them, enchanted by their exquisite, delightful dances. I have heard them when they have tranquilly touched white forest floors blanketed by their own powder. I have felt their sting, their crisp chill upon my face when "the ways deep and the weather sharp" (T S Eliot). I have stood outside letting them fall on face and arms and hair until my teeth chattered, my hat was painted white, and the cold had penetrated to my shaking bones. I have watched with the glee of a child exclaiming how this one or that one was the biggest ever - so big that we could see the delicate details as it fluttered by. We used to set out wax paper to catch them, studying their intricacies until we breathed too closely and they melted. Great was our loss when that happened. Oh the joyful hours spent in pursuit of snowflakes. Even now I am enchanted and find immense happiness when I am home "when the icicles hang by the wall" (Shakespeare) and I can follow the furious flurries with my eyes.
Can it be that I am like a snowflake, without a duplicate, without a double? Without a doubt there is no other exactly like me. I have been designed and created by One who specializes in unique masterpieces, One who has blown into me a breath of life that no other can live, and One who has rejoiced over the breathtaking beauty of what He has made in me. I am priceless, unmistakably irreplaceable. Much like the loss of a snowflake when it melts is the loss of me when my life flame flickers out or is extinguished. The same Creator who made each individual snowflake has made me with His hands and with His heart. And though this world may not remember that I offered it anything, He has recorded my coming and going. Even more importantly, He has written my name in His book of life and my spirit will never melt as the ice of a snow crystal will. There will be no shame in the loss because my soul will live forever, a flurry of love for my Father.
Yes I am a snowflake. Take notice that I am specially sculpted. Take joy in the glorious genius of the Creator who knew where to cut to make my miraculous, glistening design. Take pleasure in the pattern that was penned for one purpose. His glory. And then remember that this is you too. You are a snowflake of infinite value, flitting here, swirling there, a blasting blizzard, falling furiously at times, a serene story, simply shining in the light of the sun by day or secretly sparkling in the glow of the moon by night. Without a doubt, whether you like it or not, you are like no other. A snowflake for His glory. Amen.
21 January 2009
If I Were An Artist
Oh but I am an artist. I may not paint with brushes. I may not use watercolors or oils. Instead I use words, drawn with ink to tell my stories. Color still splashes on my page only I spread with vocabulary, rich yet subtle, bold yet sly. Rather than paint a picture with shapes and colors so you can make your own story, I paint the story with words so you can create your own picture. One kind of artist is no less an artist than another. I am an artist.
20 January 2009
My Mom
19 January 2009
Of Hummingbirds
18 January 2009
Amelia Otherwhere Reporting for Duty
16 January 2009
STUCK, Stuck, stuck!
15 January 2009
One Just Isn't Enough
A word to the wise: it would be safer for you to not mention it if I do look like a donut.