Amelia Otherwhere and Other Such Nonsense

But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the Law.
Galatians 5:18

17 May 2013


Fear, it surrounds me.
It overwhelms me.
Anxiety wraps its blanket round about me,
Tighter and tighter it pulls.
I'm strangled and I cannot breathe.

The Spirit of God lives within me.
He champions me.
Peace lifts the dead weight anxiety has left behind,
He lifts it.
He restores me.

Freer and freer, as I follow, He leads me.
By still waters.
In pastures of green.
Through valleys so dark.
He is with me.

With a word He draws me.
His love is undeniable.
I am His and He is mine.
"Belonging to the Lord"-
It's stamped on me.

The Cup, it says-
"Drink me, within me you will find Him."
I am afraid.
But He drank the cup.
He drank. And He drank.
And drank.
For me.

I hold the cup, expecting it to be bitter.
But it is beautiful.
And its contents, brilliant.
His kindness and loving goodness pour out onto me.
The cup, it overflows.
But not in sorrow, in joy.

I am home.
And fear has no place.
By direction and discipline,
You protect me.
I am home.  Forever.  And You comfort me.