Amelia Otherwhere and Other Such Nonsense

But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the Law.
Galatians 5:18

28 May 2014


We all get caught in the lie.  All of us.  Not one of us can say we do not.  If we are truly honest with ourselves we realize just how close our fall is to another’s.  The trap may look different.  The consequences may not be as evident.  But the plain hard truth is that we all (probably even daily) are caught in the lie.  The lie that we are god and God is not.  We may not say it that way.  We may not even think it that way.  But that is it.  When we do what we know we ought not to do, we have replaced God with our pathetic pretender of a self, thinking that we know better, won’t be caught, and a wide array of other justifications.  We are always found out, though.  Always.  If not by man, then most certainly and assuredly by God who knows all things.  He is the One who is sinned against.  Our treachery is first and foremost aimed at Him.  Do not sit smug in your safe place upon the news of another’s sin.  Mourn.  Mourn that you too have committed the same sin against God.  Confess the truth of your soul.  Pray for your own healing.  And then strengthen the fallen.