Amelia Otherwhere and Other Such Nonsense

But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the Law.
Galatians 5:18

09 February 2011

A Renewed Mind

And do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.” Romans 12:2
Sometimes I am overwhelmed when I look around me. There is so much vying for my attention. This world shouts at me to seek it, to chase it, to become just like it. It lures me with larger-than-life billboards advertising the perfect life if only I have… It paints portraits of lives without consequences, full of romance, success, and happy endings. It cleverly communicates the message that this life is really all about me. Everywhere I turn there is a continuous bombardment of temptations to give into. “Conform,” it quietly chants over and over again. “Be like us,” it hisses, “and you will finally be free, fulfilled and happy. Buy just one more dress, one more drink, one more car, one more house, one more anything. Spend more time on yourself, pamper yourself, indulge in your every whim. There is no real right or wrong. You create your own reality, so do anything you desire. After all, it is all about you!”

The lies, they swirl around us, seeping into any unprotected pore of our heart and mind, insidious, sly, and persuasive. Whether you believe it or not, the truth is that there is an all-out war being waged for the peace of our souls. Satan has marked us as believers and followers of Christ, threats to his kingdom on earth. His plan is to distract us from anything that will fill our souls with strength, our hearts with hope, and our minds with mighty visions of victory. Though he is crafty, his plan is all too simple, yet how easily we fall victim to it.

How do we fight against the persuasive push towards conformation to this world? How do we guard our hearts from the falseness that is fed us each and every day? How do we renew our minds, being transformed into the likeness of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ? In a word: TRUTH. The Word of God is truth, and that truth is your soul’s armor against the lies and attacks of the devil. That truth transforms your mind and gives you eyes to see things as they really are – as God sees them. You will be able to withstand the garbage heaped upon you by this world because you will have the sword of the spirit (which is the word of God) to fight with. Make no mistake. This is a battle, and you are in it whether you want to be or not. You will be called upon to stand up and fight, to claim and proclaim truth, and to encourage and strengthen the weak. It’s not a matter of “if” but rather “when”. Are you prepared? Do you know the truth that will keep you from falling?

Get into God’s word - which is truth. Yes, that big black book with the cross etched in gold, that most precious piece of writing known to man. It is by far the best way to renew your mind in the mass assault you experience. In it you will find absolute, pure and undefiled truth. You will find the person of Jesus Christ who leads us as a perfect example, suffering that we may have life, drawing us ever closer to God if we allow Him. You will find His rich grace which allows us the privilege each day to enter boldly and confidently into His presence. You will find encouragement to endure and a hope that does not fade. You will find strength from the words of a shepherd boy who cried out to God in all things. You will find power in prayers poured out by penitent prophets. You will meet men who although captured, taken to pagan and foreign lands, and taught the ways of the world did not conform to that which wasn’t right. You will come across miracle after miracle – of the blind given sight, the deaf given ears to hear, the lame given feet to walk, the sick becoming whole and even the dead brought back to life. You will learn what it means to follow God, to love and obey and serve Him. God’s word will speak into your heart what is right and good and pure and true.

Each day we are being influenced and transformed by something. So the real question is what are you allowing yourself to be influenced and transformed by? Romans 8:5 says that those who are of the flesh set their minds on things of the flesh and those of the Spirit set their minds on things of the Spirit. This world wants you to set your mind on your flesh. It tirelessly promotes “self” as the only worthwhile pursuit. You know it’s true when you look around you. And it will be very apparent by the fruit of your life which one controls you. SET YOUR HEART ON TRUTH! Jesus said, “If you abide in my word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free” (Jn.8:31-32). Isn’t that we are all after anyway? Freedom from the death grip this world has on us. Freedom from the fear that we aren’t enough. Freedom from the slavery to sin that entangles us if we allow ourselves to be drawn in by the lecherous lies continually lobbed our way. “Freedom” is the cry of my heart: “Lord, free me from the bondage of believing that what this world has to offer is better than what You offer. Transform me, Lord, by Your power, that I will pursue that which is good and acceptable and pure.”

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